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About Me

behind the scenes at j. Menez Digital Designs

It started in the 90's with a Compaq Presario

I got involved with computers at a younger age than most. I became familiar with MS-DOS and those fancy 56k dial-up modems.

Enter the age of BBS Bulletin Board Systems. I can remember forcing my mom to pay for online time. We had a local video store shop with a ‘tech nerd’ running a server in the back. Our first time visit to pay felt scammy in today’s information age.

Fast forward many years and this fascination progressed into gaming with a long World of Warcraft grind, and ultimately I received an education in digital media production.

Adobe Creative Design Software

Adobe is a leader in the digital design industry and I have spent many years learning and using their Creative Cloud software.

Adobe Acrobat was one of the first design programs I learned. Editing and creating PDF files has been an essential tool.

I use Photoshop (Ps) for most of the graphic designs used in print marketing.

Adobe (Xd) is a newer program that is more lightweight and mobile. I find it to be one of the best for web graphics.

Premier Pro (Pr) is my go-to for video editing and I use After Effects (Ae) for title graphics and stills.

Lightroom (Lr) has turned my photo editing and organization skills up to new levels.

My Skillset

Digital Media Multimedia Production

Associate in Science – Gulf Coast State College

Panama City Beach, Florida


My amazing Family

The Faces Behind My Success

I Couldn’t Do It Without Them

Jonathan Jimenez

Digital Media Production

Sheila 'Stella' Jimenez

Col. Retired, USAF

Josh Jimenez

Real Estate Agent - 30a Properties

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